entertainment, news, Philippines, talk show

Freddie Aguilar on Face the People

Freddie Aguilar appeared on ‘Face the People’ Monday afternoon to defend his relationship with a 16-year old minor.

Yesterday afternoon, renowned Filipino singer Freddie Aguilar appeared on TV5’s ‘Face the People’ to answer questions regarding his relationship with a 16-year old minor. Throughout the program Aguilar tried to defend his relationship with ‘Jovy’ in front of the opinionated audience, in the process encountering the mother of his girlfriend. He also argued with columnist Joey Sarmiento who disagreed with his relationship.  And finally Atty. Trixie Cruz-Angeles explained the ‘simple seduction’ case filed against Aguilar.

Aguilar’s relationship with the 16-year old minor received negative attention on both the press and social media, going as far as mocking Aguilar’s classic hits ‘Anak‘ and ‘Estudyante Blues’. However, at the end of ‘Face the People’, the audience voted to approve Aguilar’s relationship with the minor, despite the netizens’ negative opinions on the subject.

Aguilar’s appearance on ‘Face the People’ proved to be one of the most highly-anticipated episodes of the talk show so far. Although it may not translate to a ratings win in its timeslot, it should only enhance the program’s reputation as one of the most talked-about talk shows in the country today.

Select segments of Aguilar’s appearance on ‘Face the People’ can be seen on News5 Everywhere’s official website.


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