action, entertainment, news, Philippines, politics, public affairs, Sports, television, United States

Is AksyonTV becoming TV5’s News TV and S+A?

The baffling saga of AksyonTV continues with the addition of Tagalized American action programs and films. Here is Timow’s Turf with more insight on this issue.

Timow's Turf

AksyonTV turns 6 years old today but quickly erodes its standing purpose. AksyonTV turns 6 years old today but it quickly erodes its initial purpose.

SIX YEARS ago today, while viewers are awaiting for GMA News TV’s launch, TV5 jumped in unannounced over Channel 41; AksyonTV, the first news channel on free TV, was born.

They used to air round the clock as a slap of Channel 11’s broken promises to live their mantra, “Oras-oras, alam ko” but karma struck back in 2013 due to cost-cutting measures by the management as well as NTC’s rules and regulations for affiliated free-to-air TV stations.

The identity crisis

The era of being a homogeneous news channel began its decline when AKTV on IBC ended on May 31, 2013 by carrying over their committed sportscasts as they also covered the Sochi Winter Olympics a year after.

Recently, News5’s public affairs programs airing on AksyonTV became merely reruns with no motive to create new episodes. Since last year, EZ Shop…

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country, news, Philippines, politics

Reviewing the Big Three SONA Coverage

President Noynoy Aquino’s State of the Nation Address may be one of the longest, but he made sure that every issue and accomplishment is tackled before he vowed that improvements to the nation are needed.

President Noynoy Aquino‘s State of the Nation Address was among the longest in the history of the event, and every network had the privilege of covering this event. Let’s look back at how the ‘Big Three’ networks fared during the event.


The Kapamilya Network claimed to have the ‘most-watched’ coverage of the SONA, according to Kantar Media. ‘Sa Gitna ng Daang Matuwid’ garnered a 14.8% rating. However, this only applied to the main Channel 2 network. In terms of overall coverage, the network produced three separate coverages: one on the AM radio station DZMM, and another on the cable network ABS-CBN News Channel, the latter of which had a livestream on UHF channel Studio 23 and on Yahoo. Looks like they were trying too hard to cover the SONA in three different platforms, in both English and Filipino, and in all social classes. Despite the ‘high’ ratings that they claimed, they did not deliver on what is expected: consistent and pure coverage.


The Kapuso Network also claimed to have the ‘most-watched’ SONA, this time citing old reliable Nielsen. ‘SONA 2013’, a title deemed too simple for the Kapuso Network, garnered a 12.8% rating. Like ABS-CBN, GMA delivered three separate coverages: on Channel 7, GMA News TV 11, and AM radio station DZBB, with a livestream on GMA News Online. Again, this was a case of trying too hard, but this time it only covers two social classes, which is the lower middle and the low-income classes. Let’s face it, I didn’t want Mike Enriquez and Jessica Soho hosting two separate SONA coverage when in fact it is possible that the both of them can be on the same page. Again this is like ABS-CBN’s coverage: inconsistent and uneven.


They did not report high ratings during the SONA. However, the production of ‘Pagbabago’ is just what I wanted: consistent, even and pure. So I commend TV5 for covering the SONA in a unified manner. All three of its platforms, from Channel 5 to AksyonTV and 92.3 News FM received the same broadcast feed of ‘Pagbabago’, handled by none other than the lead Aksyon tandem of Cheryl Cosim and Erwin Tulfo. In addition, the same broadcast feed was seen online through its new website News5 Everywhere.

As expected, the entire nation tuned in to nearly two hours of President Aquino talking at the Batasan Pambansa regarding his accomplishments from last year and the plans for the next. Whether his plans will be accomplished in the near future remains to be seen. But for now, what he said in the SONA was clear: he vowed that improvements need to be instituted in order to make the nation better and more attractive. And Monday afternoon’s SONA was the first step towards the gradual improvement of the nation’s standard of living.
